Exploring unfamiliar cities and foreign countries, meeting new people, experiencing adventures... Traveling is amazing! But if the destination is far away, a long journey by plane, train, bus, or car is required. This is a challenge even for healthy veins, yet riskier for vein weaknesses. But don’t let that put you off discovering the world! If you bear some small details in mind, you will be able to fully enjoy a carefree vacation.
Why is traveling tough on your veins?
As you may already know, during movement, the muscles in your legs ensure that your veins are working properly. If you sit down and remain inactive for extended periods of time, this muscle support is lacking. This inactivity applies particularly to long trips by plane, train, or cars, where you can spend many hours confined to a small space. Circulation is reduced as blood is transported toward the heart more slowly. In some cases the blood cannot flow properly at all.

Now add dehydration to that equation. Usually, the air in a plane or a car with air conditioning is quite dry. If you haven’t had much to drink, your blood can become thicker, making it harder to pump, which puts additional strain on your veins. Traveling in high temperatures can also worsen vein problems because the vessels expand in the heat, making it harder for the venous valves to close properly. The result: heavy, aching legs after a flight or a long journey.
Please don’t treat these risks lightly. Without appropriate countermeasures, especially with an existing vein disease, there can be further complications such as swollen legs (edema) or deep vein thrombosis. In this condition, a blood vessel is partly or fully clogged with a blood clot, which, in the worst-case scenario, can lead to a pulmonary embolism.
But it doesn't have to come to that. There are things you can do during a long flight or drive, to prevent thrombosis and promote vein health in general.
Medical Compression is Essential
You've probably heard that compression stockings should be worn during a flight. And in fact, compression is critical if you want to prevent deep-vein thrombosis. If you suffer from an existing vein disease, such as varicose veins, compression stockings are essential.
Compression stockings exert external pressure on your veins. This provides them with relief and added support to help them perform more effectively. The blood flow in the veins is stimulated, your venous valves are able to properly close, and your legs will feel light instead of heavy after a long flight or drive. Compression is also beneficial for thrombosis prevention.
Pay Attention To Quality!
Although simple support or travel stockings also exert pressure on the veins, they have a significantly lower compression effect. In addition, they are not subject to any medical standards. Medical compression stockings, on the other hand, are manufactured in compliance with strict regulations. If you have been diagnosed with a vein disease or are looking for adequate prevention, you should ensure that your stockings have a medical grade of compression.
Positive effect plus wearing comfort
You may think it’s odd to wear tight, high stockings on a trip. In the summer especially, when temperatures are rising, you might prefer loose, airy clothing. With our VenoTrain® compression stockings, however, you don’t need to worry about comfort: the high-quality knitted fabric has been designed for optimal compression effectiveness, while at the same time providing excellent wearing comfort.
The specific materials used in Bauerfeind compression stockings are breathable, gentle and skin friendly. There are many different versions, styles, and colors in our VenoTrain® portfolio. Therefore, you will definitely find the compression stockings that will provide the ideal effect for your individual requirements – and highlight your personal style.
Six Tips For Vein Health On Your Trip
With the help of compression stockings you are well equipped for a flight or long journey by car or train. If you also follow these tips, you will not only do something beneficial for your veins but also be fit and relaxed when you arrive at your destination.
1. Stay Hydrated
Water keeps your blood liquid and relieves your veins. Better to say no to alcohol or coffee – both are diuretics, and alcohol expands the vessels.
2. Light Meals
Hearty meals are not recommended before or during long journeys. If possible, choose light meals with vegetables and fruit. That’s not just beneficial for your veins; your whole body will feel more energetic and lighter.
3. A Little Massage
Even when there is limited space, you can try to gently massage your lower legs. Always move from your foot toward the knee.
4. Sit Comfortably
Avoid tight pants, skirts, and shoes; they constrict your body unnecessarily. Do not stow luggage by your feet and don’t cross your legs.
5. Stay Active
Get up every now and then and walk along the plane aisle. Or use the break during a car journey to walk a few steps. It’s also beneficial to stand on tip toes, then slowly lower your heels. Repeat this a few times, and your veins will be thankful.
6. Leg Exercises
You can also work on activating your muscles when you’re sitting down. Circle your feet (once to the left and once to the right, then again in the opposite direction), pull your toes upward, then the heels, and tap your feet.