Physical Therapy Videos Put Together By Real Orthopedic Specialists To Help You Recover And Stay Injury-Free.
Strengthen the muscles that move and stabilize the shoulder.
Pain and instability may make exercise a challenge. The support and compression provided by Bauerfeind’s OmoTrain® shoulder support can help to ease shoulder pain and improve exercise performance.
Plank Rows:
- Begin in the pushup position. If properly aligned, a straight line could be drawn through the ankles, knees, hips and shoulders.
- Grasp a dumbbell of weight appropriate to your ability in each hand.
- Raise one weight up off the ground, bringing your arm along your side. Pause briefly at the top of the motion before returning to the starting position.
- Perform the recommended number of repetitions by alternately raising and lowering each arm.
This information is provided for general information purposes and should not be relied on as a substitute for medical advice, evaluation or care from a qualified and licensed health care provider. The information contained here is not to be considered a plan of care of physical therapy.